dimarts, 4 de març del 2025


 Com cada any, els alumnes de 2n de batxillerat fan un projecte globalitzat per tal de conscienciar sobre els ODS, la seva importància pel món contemporani i els reptes que ens suposen com a societat i individus. Els alumnes de 3r. i 4t de l’ESO han assistit a les exposicions per tal de complementar la matèria de Geografia i Història.


Exploring Shakespeare: A Journey into his world with 1st & 2nd Baccalaureate students.

In an engaging and thought-provoking activity, students from both 1st & 2nd Baccalaureate had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the life and works of William Shakespeare. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, film viewings, and comparisons with modern works, students explored the enduring legacy of the renowned playwright and how his themes continue to resonate in today's world.

1st Baccalaureate students undertook a comprehensive study of Shakespeare’s life, his genres, and his influence on theatre and the use of the English language. The class focused on understanding the historical context in which Shakespeare wrote his plays, his approach to different genres, and the impact he had on the development of modern theatre. Students explored Shakespeare’s ability to weave timeless themes like love, grief, treason, jealousy, and family matters into his works, creating characters whose struggles and emotions still feel deeply relevant.

A key part of their learning experience involved watching Kenneth Branagh’s adaptation of Hamlet. Through this viewing, students gained a visual and emotional understanding of the play, observing the complexities of its characters and themes. The class used the film to compare the various issues addressed in Hamlet with other literary works they had studied. One notable comparison was with The Blood of the Giants, a book from Fiction Express that students had read during the term. In this comparative analysis, students noted the similarities and differences in how both works tackled themes like betrayal, loyalty, family conflict, and personal turmoil. The connection between Hamlet and The Blood of the Giants allowed students to see how these age-old themes are still portrayed in contemporary literature.

Meanwhile, 2nd Baccalaureate students focused on applying their understanding of Shakespeare to practice key exam skills for their upcoming Selectivitat exams. They studied Shakespeare’s biography in depth, aiming to craft well-informed essays about the playwright’s life and work. In addition, they practiced reviewing Shakespeare’s plays and works in the formal format required for their exams, learning how to analyse and critique his contributions to literature in a structured and academic way.

The class also watched videos exploring the life and legacy of Shakespeare, providing insight into the man behind the plays and the era in which he lived. Students discussed how his works have influenced modern literature, theatre, and culture, drawing parallels between his ideas and those in contemporary society. They explored how themes from Shakespeare’s plays, like power struggles, human flaws, and societal expectations, continue to shape modern narratives in film, literature, and everyday life.

Throughout both activities, the students exhibited a clear interest in Shakespeare's works and the anecdotes surrounding his life. They were fascinated not only by his genius as a playwright but also by the mystery and intrigue that often surrounds his personal life. The stories of his time in London, his interactions with other playwrights, and the controversies over his works added an element of excitement to their studies.

By the end of these activities, students from both 1st & 2nd Baccalaureate had gained a more profound understanding of Shakespeare’s work and its relevance to the modern world. Whether it was through studying the complexities of Hamlet or preparing for their Selectivitat exams, they all appreciated the enduring nature of Shakespeare’s insights into human nature. The activity not only brought Shakespeare's works to life in new and engaging ways but also highlighted the power of literature to bridge the past and present, showing how his exploration of universal themes continues to influence and inspire.

dimecres, 19 de febrer del 2025


 On Friday, February 14, the first-year high school students participated in a unique tutorial session. Brady Jaskaran an actor and film director of Indian and British nationality, presented his short film "GEN X" and discussed the essentials of creating a successful movie.
The students actively engaged in the conversation, having previously explored potential plotlines, family themes, and various relationships during their tutorials, even speculating on possible endings. This activity was particularly beneficial as it provided an opportunity for all students to practice English, given that the session was conducted in English."GEN X" is a short film directed by Brady, featuring Amanda Goldsmith, Rob McLoughlin, Mercè Teruel, and María José Ocaña.
The tutorial session provided students with valuable insights into the filmmaking process, from conceptualization to execution, and offered a platform to discuss and analyze contemporary cinematic works. Engaging with a filmmaker of Brady's caliber allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of the industry and the creative process behind short films like "GEN X."

dilluns, 17 de febrer del 2025


 L'alumnat de 2n de Batxillerat ha fet la ruta del memorial de la batalla de l'Ebre. Més enllà de ser matèria de temari, mai no hem d'oblidar la memòria dels nostres avantpassats.

dilluns, 3 de febrer del 2025

PARTICIPACIÓ AL MEP (Model Escola Parlament Europeu).

4 alumnes de 1r de batxillerat participen en un projecte nacional per dialogar i fer propostes a problemàtiques europees d'actualitat, com l'autonomia energètica i els mitjans de comunicació lliures. Tindran l'oportunitat de conèixer alumnes amb els que dialogar de totes les regions de Catalunya i entendre de primera mà el funcionament del parlament europeu i la presa de decisions en els contextos globalitzats.


 Participació a la Lliga de debat de la Fundació Vives.
Aquesta setmana 5 alumnes de 1r de batxillerat han participat a la Lliga de debat de Secundària, projecte que ja van preparar en l'assignatura de filosofia durant el primer trimestre. Van poder gaudir d'una competència dura, però saludable i l'experiència va enriquir el seu aprenentatge en el debat filosòfic i l'oratòria.


 ACTIVITAT DE TUTORIA A 1r de Batxillerat.

La sessió de Ments Despertes organitzada per SomVia ha estat una experiència molt significativa per a l’alumnat de 1r de batxillerat, especialment tractant temes tan essencials com la salut mental, les addiccions i la esquizofrènia. La manera en què s’han abordat aquests temes, sovint tabú o poc coneguts entre els joves, ha estat una gran oportunitat per trencar estigmes i fomentar la consciència social i emocional.

Els ponents han sabut transmetre la informació d’una manera clara, directa i accessible, utilitzant exemples concrets i testimonis que han aconseguit humanitzar els trastorns mentals i fer-los més comprensibles. Aquest enfocament ha estat fonamental per evitar la sensació de distància o desconeixement sobre aquestes problemàtiques, que sovint poden generar incomoditat o confusió.

Pel que fa a la salut mental, la xerrada ha donat eines útils per identificar senyals d’alarma en un mateix o en altres persones, tot fent èmfasi en la importància de demanar ajuda quan es necessiti. També s’ha posat en relleu la relació entre la salut mental i el benestar emocional, animant els estudiants a no menysprear les seves emocions ni els seus sentiments, sinó a buscar estratègies per gestionar-los adequadament.

En relació amb les addiccions, els ponents han abordat com poden sorgir des de diversos àmbits (drogues, tecnologies, jocs, etc.), i com afecten no només el cos, sinó també la ment i les relacions personals. Aquesta part de la sessió ha estat especialment important, ja que ha ajudat els estudiants a reflexionar sobre les conductes de risc i la necessitat d’una actitud responsable i crítica davant els estímuls externs.

Pel que fa a l’esquizofrènia, la xerrada ha permès desmitificar moltes creences errònies que sovint envolten aquest trastorn. Els ponents han explicat els símptomes, les possibles causes i les formes d’ajuda o tractament, i han destacat la importància de no fer judicis precipitats sobre aquelles persones que pateixen de trastorns mentals greus, promovent una actitud de comprensió i suport.